Manchester Climate Change Partnership brings together organisations from across the city that share the common goal of “limiting the impacts of climate change and creating a healthy, green, socially just city where everyone can thrive.”
Our vision is for a green city with walkable neighbourhoods, clean air, good jobs in successful businesses, warm homes and affordable energy, safe cycling routes and a public transport system that works for everyone.
Together, the Partnership and Agency set the city’s climate change vision and targets.
We work to embed climate action in policy, promoting the need for urgent and equitable action at pace and scale, and highlighting co-benefits.
We secure grant funding for Manchester to initiate and mobilise climate action and bring experts together via city challenge groups to co-design local solutions to big problems.
We champion and build on best practice across Partnership members and deliver city-wide campaigns, inspiring others to play their full part.
We position the city as a climate leader, gaining recognition internationally, and engaging at all levels to accelerate change.
We deliver transparent, robust reports that show progress towards our targets and are used to inform future strategies and action.
Collectively, our work helps to shape an inclusive, positive vision for a zero carbon, climate resilient Manchester, and to convene the people and resources needed to deliver it by 2038 at the latest.
Mike Wilton, Manchester Office Lead (chair)
AEW Architects
Peter Bartley, Head of Sustainability
Academy Music Group
Jenna Valentni, Sustainability Coordinator
Age Friendly Manchester Older People's Board
Elaine Unegbu, Chair of the AFM Older People’s Board
Bennetts Associates
Adrian Lonsdale, Director
Alex Edwards, ESG Director
Buro Happold
Mei Ren, Partner
The Carbon Literacy Project
Dave Coleman, Co-founder and Managing Director
Civic Engineers
Julian Broster, Co-founder, Chief Operating Officer
Creative Concern
Steve Connor, Chief Executive
Hannah Smith-Pickup, North West, Clients and Industries Lead
Michael Percival, Assistant Director
Electricity North West Ltd
Jonny Sadler, Strategic Decarbonisation Manager
Rick Grey, Director
Greater Manchester Arts and Sustainability Team (GMAST)
Simon Curtis, Convenor of GMAST
Greater Manchester Community Renewables
Dr Ali Abbas, Director
Greater Manchester Moving
Louise Robbins, Strategic Lead – Walking and Active Environments
Hurstwood Assest Management
Richard Bousfield, Investment Director
Lyreco UK
Andrew Bryers, Head of Sustainability
Manchester Airport Group
Neil Robinson, Corporate Social Responsibility and Future Airspace Director
Manchester City Council
Councillor Tracey Rawlins, Executive Member for Environment, Planning and Transport
Paul Marshall, Deputy Chief Executive
Manchester City Football Club
Pete Bradshaw, Head of Sustainability
Manchester Climate Alliance
Mike Franks
Manchester Climate Change Youth Board
Manchester Health and Wellbeing Board
Dr. Murugesan Raja
Manchester Housing Providers Partnership
Fiona Creighton, Executive Director - Homes, MSV Housing Group
Manchester Metropolitan University
Prof. Liz Price, Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellor Sustainability
Muse Developments
Ella Woodward, Development Manager
Our Faith Our Planet (OFOP)
Dean Rogers Govender, Chair of OFOP and Dean at Manchester Cathedral
RJP Town Planners
Ruth Jackson, Director
Sow the City
Kieron McGlasson, Director
Station South CIC
Joe Webb, Director
Steer Group
Nicola Kane, Director
Mark Jones, Chief Sustainability Officer
The University of Manchester
Prof. Nalin Thakkar, Vice President for Social Responsibility
Wates Group
Heath Mansell, Regional Sustainability Manager